Sunday, 25 March 2012

Today's Questions Don't Have Just One Answer

This video was created by a school longing for a technological upgrade. This video displays how questions today do not only have one answer. Thinking critically in order to answer these questions can be facilitated by way of current technology. Education has the ability to advance and provoke alternative methods to ponder information and obtain answers - this in turn betters a student's learning experience and provides opportunities for divergent thinking and individuality.

Borg Innuendo

What I would like to call the "Borg Innuendo" is displayed in the following video. This video touches on how the education system does not give you time to think about who you are and instead assimilates you into a collective conscious - a Borg-like mentality. 

Revolutionary Education

We touched on Finland's exemplary education system in class and the above video further explains this revolutionary model. This model strives for equality before excellence and allows children to enjoy their childhood as opposed to facing pressure to achieve and compete academically at such a young age.

Damage to Divergent Thinking

This video is visually enticing to view and speaks on how our education system lowers divergent thinking and creates a population of uninspired individuals.

Just Another Brick In The Wall

In my opinion this video by Pink Floyd is one of the most influential songs and videos of all time in the field of education. This video is a criticism of the mundane and robotic education system.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Foucault on Education

Foucault’s ideas are often used in the study of education. These ideas are intended not to define education itself but instead to look at the implications and theoretical assumptions surrounding education. The following paragraphs will address Foucault’s idea of “moral orthopedics” in relation to what education means within our society.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Banking vs. Problem Posing Education

The following paragraphs will address education as a practice of freedom as opposed to a practice of domination. Freire displays this in terms of banking education and problem posing education. Banking education facilitates domination while problem posing education facilitates freedom of creativity and transformation. These methods of educating were apparent throughout my secondary schooling education by way of teaching styles used by my educators and these teaching styles greatly affected the outcome of knowledge retained and empowerment gained from these educational experiences.

Tuition Inflation and Student Success

Enrolment in post-secondary education remains relatively stable in Canada although tuition costs are continually on the rise. As government funding for universities decreases, universities are forced to raise tuition costs to compensate for this loss and continue to operate. Although inflation is an expected outcome of our dynamic culture, tuition prices rise at a dramatic rate in comparison to any other commodity. The following paragraphs will present a critical analysis of tuition hikes in relation to student finances and success.

The Impact of Cultural Capital on Education


Cultural capital in the realm of education has impacted my own educational experience due to the tendency for cultural capital to further enable the successes of the dominant culture by way of embedded class and gender expectations. In my case, the educational institution which impacted my development in way of cultural capital was the public school system. The system tends to reinforce the dominant culture by structuring education in such a way that reflects the dominant culture and sets expectations based around this. If those who partake in such education are unfamiliar with the ways of the dominant culture they in turn may be set up for failure.